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New Students

Ease on in.....

The Yoga Bar is an all-levels, judgment-free, welcoming environment and we truly love meeting new people!

If you can get yourself up and down from the ground unassisted, then you can join our public classes. If you have limitations, injury or specific healing needs, we offer private instruction as well. 


Yoga Indoors_ Downward Facing Dog Pose_edited.jpg

What the Asana?


I have NEVER done yoga before or I have not done yoga since 1992, or I'm scared... where should I begin?

We teach all of our classes to all levels; if you can get up and down from the floor unassisted then our group classes are accessible to you. So if the only time that works for you is noon on Tuesday, then go to that class, and know that everyone feels awkward at first. Also know this: no one is watching you (besides the teacher so he/she can help and assist you); each practitioner is dealing with their own challenges on their own mat. All of that said, there are some classes that tend to be less intimidating at first. These are: Beginner's Mind, Yin and the Restorative Yoga classes. If a class is listed as Intermediate, it would likely not be the most fun hour of your life if you are brand new, but otherwise, just get to the studio and let us handle it from there!

What should I wear?

Pretty much whatever you would wear to work out in, or maybe sleep in (ever notice how much yoga clothes look like jammies?). Here are a few hints: we hang upside down a bunch, so loose fitting t-shirts can lead to wardrobe malfunctions. Target tights are not as opaque as you might think. And we are not a hot studio, so bare midriff is not the norm.

Do I need to pre-register for classes?

Probably not. But we would love it if you did. Our Newport studio only fits 16-20 yogis, so it is possible we could have to turn someone away, but rare. That said, it is a super-big help if you do pre-register because then we have an idea of how many students are attending and can set up the room to accommodate. And if you don't pre-register for special classes and workshops, they may be cancelled—so let us know you are coming! Studio doors open 20 minutes before class start time.

Do you rent mats or sell bottles of water.

We have FREE loaner mats and complimentary filtered water and teas.

Are you a hot yoga studio?

No. We are a traditional yoga shala and we believe in building fire from within. We teach in the Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga lineages and as such our classes are served up in a room heated to between 72-80 degrees.

My shoulder, knee, back, ego is killing me. Can yoga help?

Heck yeah!! But here's the deal, depending on your injury you might want to begin with a private lesson. We are happy to meet with you one-on-one to help modify the practice for you. Then, you can return to regular group classes with an understanding of how modifying the postures can help you heal.

Where should I park?

Nights/weekends please park in the school lot directly across from the studio. All other times there is ample free street parking.

Somehow six months passed and I only used 1 of my 5-class passes. You'll extend it won't you?

We suck at saying no, but here's the really-really: All class passes expire three months after the date of purchase.
We offer multi-class passes (discounted classes) to reward those of you who come regularly to your mats and contribute energetically to the most classes. Our policy is that if you have a few leftover passes, we will carry them over if you buy a new pass. Example: you have one class left, you buy a five class pass, we update it to show you now have 6 classes in total. This HAS to be done manually - the system doesn't do it automatically. Please keep this in mind when you buy your class passes. And thanks so much for coming when you can. We wish we saw more of you ;)


I bought another pass, but the system says I only have one left?

Our software is real smart, but it cannot add. So for instance if you have an existing 10-class pass with 2 remaining punches, and then you get all excited about continuing your practice so you stock up and buy another 10-class pass, yes you do indeed have 12 classes total. But! The system can't add so it uses up pass #1 first and then it starts pass #2. You can always go online and check out your account to be sure a purchase went though. 

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